In May '13 me and my girlfriend did a 2.5 week road trip along the Balkans. We did this trip by public transport and tried not to book too much in advance in order to be flexible along the way. In this blog I won't go into much of the 'on day 2 we did X and on day 14 we saw Y'-stuff', in all cities/places we saw the main tourist attractions, which in many cases are the old towns. Sites like Wikitravel and Tripadvisor or the Lonely Planet'Western Balkans' guide (out of print, try to get one) will help you identifying those if interested. Instead of all the details I will do some write ups on certain categories. This will range from basic things like the route we took, transport in the region (intercity as well as inner-city), accommodation, food, tips about the cities, budget but also some weird things that I couldn’t fit in other categories.