
This blog is about me travelling the world. It's about the trips I've done, the trips I will do in the future and the trips that are on my to-do-list. I also try to give some advice upon request, which you can find in the 'Can I help you?' section.


A compilation of blogs about places and countries I really want to visit. This section will never be complete, because there's so much to explore! This is a list of trips I've done some research for, read some guidebooks about or that are pretty much planned at this point :)

- Caucasus / Ukraine: Roughly one week in Georgia and Armenia, finishing off with a couple of days in Kiev planned for spring '14
- a superextended Transmongolia - A long time dream is currently planned for '15, starting in Moscow and going via Siberia, Mongolia and China to Korea, finishing with a week or so in Japan.