
This blog is about me travelling the world. It's about the trips I've done, the trips I will do in the future and the trips that are on my to-do-list. I also try to give some advice upon request, which you can find in the 'Can I help you?' section.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Budget needed for a (city)trip

In general, making a budget you need for a trip can be done quite easy: Flight to get there + (avg cost/day * number of days) = budget needed. In this section, I will give an overview of the average cost a day, based on personal experiences.

In the average cost a day, I included the following things:

  • Accomodation in a decent (budget) hotel, located in the city center.
  • Cost for transport to/from the airport.
  • Cost for local transport.
  • All food, including going out for food at least once a day.
  • Drinks both from supermarkets as in bars.
  • Entrance fees for musea, leisure and so on.

Souvenirs, shopping sprees, clubbing all night and overpriced food/transport/activities are not included in this budget ;)

€ needed for a day
Kaunas € 35,00
Riga € 35,00
Tallinn € 35,00
Vilnius € 35,00
Wroclaw € 45,00
Budapest € 50,00
Prague € 50,00
Dubai € 60,00
Lisbon € 60,00
Barcelona € 65,00
Milan € 65,00
Venice € 65,00
Helsinki € 70,00
London € 80,00
Stockholm € 80,00
Tokyo € 90,00

One sidenote: my experience with a cheap city is that it makes you consume more. In Prague for example, it's no problem for me to go out for 'dinner' when I'm hungry at 16:00 and again at 22:00, while in the more expensive cities I'll rather go for an easy meal. The difference between cities is more than just the €, it's also the lifestyle you can afford with it.

Sidenote two: There are over five years between some of the visited cities, so not all numbers are 100% accurate anymore, but the outlines are still valid. The cheapest parts of Europe are in the east, Lisbon and Dubai are quite cheap too.